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广东省美术设计装修工程有限公司(原广东省美术设计装修工程公司)是一家拥有国家建设部建筑装修装饰工程专业承包壹级、建筑装饰专项工程设计甲级、消防及机电安装贰级、建筑智能化及园林古建筑贰级、国家经贸委室内装饰施工甲级、室内装饰设计甲级资质,集装修装饰工程设计、施工、材料供应为一体的国家级专业公司,也是国家轻工总会重点支持的200家轻工集体大中型企业之一。我司被评为全国室内装饰优秀企业,并获得ISO9001、ISO 14000、GB/T 28001质量管理体系认证和重合同守信用企业称号。我司已有三十多年历史,自1977年广东省工艺美术研究所恢复成立,随即以研究所装饰工程部对外拓展设计、装饰施工工程业务,业务范围涉及著名古建筑寺院园林重修至现代楼宇、星级宾馆的装饰设计、施工、水电空调安装等。专业从事多项古建筑修缮、现代楼宇、星级宾馆的设计装修项目,长时间的经验积累成就了我司在这一领域的优势。我司所承包的装饰装修工程,工程质量完全达到部颁标准,在历年工程施工中没有发生过因工程质量及安全的投诉,更无发生重大质量安全事故,是广东省“重合同守信用”的优秀企业。公司为留住优秀员工,已制定一套合适的晋升制度,设计部员工薪金由底薪 提成组成,全体员工将给予购买社保五险。并且,公司时有聚餐及外游安排。Brief introduction to the new company:Glapor is a German company which is producing foam glass for the Chinese building sector. We are the only company in the world, which can produce foam glass board and gravel. With the business’ growth, Glapor Germany intended to develop the Chinese market by founding Glapor China.Glapor China is a Sino-foreign joint venture company. We are building up a factory with a new unique German technology to produce foam glass, which is a high-quality, environmentally-friendly and light-weight insulation material. It is manufactured from 100% recycled glass and thereby contributes to the sustainability of the earth’s natural resources.The increased demands made on building energetic regulations in China are reliably and economically met, so GLAPOR foam glass provides a high cost-benefit.


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